Book Creator

Newsletter Issue 2

by DA

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Issue 2
Friday 16th September 2022
Monday 19 September, the date of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral, will be a bank holiday, and the school will be closed.
The Dot
We have been going dotty over our focus text this week - The Dot by Peter H Reynolds!  

This wonderful story follows a dejected, young girl called Vashti who doesn't believe that she can draw - that is, until her teacher encourages her to make a mark and see where it takes her. Through reading this book, we have discovered the importance of self-confidence and perseverance!  

We have used what we have learnt from the text to generate class rules, decide on how we will be active learners and create a whole school display to remind us that everyone in our school community belongs and is welcome.  

Follow the story by clicking below and thinking about these questions:  
Who do you think inspired Vashti? How did Vashti's feelings change throughout the story? What do you think the story teaches us? 
Developing our Independence
We have been working hard at settling back into school and following routines!  

To continue to develop our independence, parents are encouraged to say goodbye to us at the school gates every morning, from Tuesday 20th September.
New Murals at Chuston Avenue
Mural at Churston Avenue

In the Summer Term, our children embarked on an exciting project involving mosaic and clay. Pupils were involved in designing and creating a new art mural for our Churston Avenue site. The art mural is now situated upon the entrance to the school.

We are so proud of our pupils and their hard work.
New EYFS Playground at Chuston Avenue
EYFS Playground at Churston Avenue.

After several months of construction, this week our Nursery and Reception children were able to venture into our new outdoor environment.

As you can imagine, they LOVE it! They have already been very busy exploring. Please come in and have a look when you drop your children off to school.
Her Majesty the Queen 
1926 - 2022

We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her dedication to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to her other realms and territories is unparalleled and we thank her for her service.

Upton Cross will observe the mourning period whilst continuing to support our pupils, families and staff.