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Raynham Newspapers Sustainability Issue 1

by Iveta Bejaoui

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Raynham Newspapers
Sustainability Issue 1
16th December 2021
Eco-Ambassadors Taking Action on Climate Change
Comic Panel 1
Caption At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
By the Eco Ambassadors Team

On Monday 8th November 2021, as part of the ‘Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning’ project with the British Council, the eco-ambassadors from Raynham took part in a virtual meeting with children from their partner school – New Leera in Kathmandu in Nepal.

In the meeting, they were able to discuss their views on climate change and share some of the ways they are planning to make a difference following their environmental review. The meeting provided a unique opportunity to develop a dialogue with children from other countries.

The environmental review was completed by eco-ambassadors from across KS1 and KS2 and identified ways the whole school can take action on climate change. They shared their findings in a video message which has also been shared across the school.

Raynham school is a member of the Nepal partnership between five partner schools in Nepal and the five academies within Children First Trust. This partnership is an empowering forum for our children in increasing their understanding of their impact as local and global citizens.
The children’s video and further information of the projects completed through the Nepal Partnership can be accessed through the Children First website on the following link:
Harvesting Vegetables from our Garden
By the Gardening Club Team

During Summer Term in 2021, during our gardening club we have planted a range of vegetables including leeks, peppers, onions, pumpkins and tomatoes. When we came back this academic year, the children at Raynham were so excited to harvest leeks, pumpkins, some peppers and onions.

After harvesting them, they took them to the school’s dinner hall so that our dinner ladies can make delicious school dinners for the children.
A few days later, the children enjoyed eating a yummy pumpkin cake and leeks soup.
News & Current Affairs
Children MPs represent Raynham at Children’s Parliament
By Children MPs

During the October half-term, 6 children from years 4, 5 and 6 represented Raynham and their local constituencies as children MPs at The Children’s Parliament.

This was a unique opportunity for them to express their views and contribute to a debate about climate change. The Children’s Parliament was a national event and included a speech from Prime Minister Boris Johnson, MP, and a live session with David Davis, MP. All the children had the opportunity to vote on a range of issues interlinked to climate change and the results were shared with the Prime Minister who attended the COP26 meeting in Glasgow.

You can also click here to read more about this special event in this article from the Daily Express.

We are very proud of our children, their contributions and would like to share with you all their voices and experiences in this short video featuring our Children MPs.
Raynham Child MP attending the virtual Children's Parliament
Comic Panel 1
Raynham children's art exhibition in Building BloQs
Hinterland Community Event on 23rd October 2021 in Building BloQs
Sculpture inspired by Raynham children
by Sustainability Lead

During the last academic year, Year 3 (current Year 4 children) have participated in Hinterland project part of The Canal and River Trust. The project interlinked art to enabling the children to explore a range of sustainable issues directly relevant to our local Lea Canal in Lea Valley. Our children have developed a range of ideas which were consolidated and inspired a sculpture by the sculptor, Paula Barnard-Groves who worked alongside the artist, Julia Elmore. On Thursday, 21st October we hosted a mini exhibition of the children’s work in the school’s playground, followed by a community event hosted in Building BloQs which included an exhibition of our children’s work as well as a preview of the sculpture inspired by our children.
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
Comic Panel 1
School Streets are coming back
The car free zone during peak school hours is due to restart in the new year. As you are aware, the cameras are not yet in operation and the local residents should have been informed by the council in advance how they can apply for permits. We anticipate that the live date for the cameras will now align with the return to school in January 2022. The operating hours will be from 8.15 a.m. to 9.15a.m., and 2.45 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.
Sustainable Tips & Ideas
Take a look at some of the great ideas from our Eco-Ambassadors on how you can contribute towards reducing your impact on climate change.
Small steps together = making a difference
Comic Panel 1
CAPTION At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor. Duis ultrices semper lorem nisl felis sit. At malesuada nisl felis sit amet dolor nisl felis.
Save money
By Tehami

Take up a no-spend weekend! Try to not spend money for a weekend once every other month if you can, it's quite a challenge but I’m sure you will be able to manage! Try the 1p challenge! Spend 1p everyday for at least 3 days in a row, for example, 1p on Monday, 2p on Tuesday and 3p on Wednesday! The final tip is to try to get things from the thrift shop, there can be many good things that cost way less than the original price!

Be a part of the solution, not the pollution.
A fool and his money will soon part.
Comic Panel 1
How to save water
Comic Panel 1
By Matilda

As you can see our world is in danger, We need to stop this terror ASAP. We’re ruining our futures and starting a high smog warning. We can stop this nightmare by doing the right thing such as, using flasks, planting more and reusing plastic for more useful objects. We need to make a change. There is no planet B, so let's take action now! Even though it might look grim, we have one more chance and it's called 'today for tomorrow'.
How to save electricity
By Zander

Everyone uses electricity at home, whether it is charging phones, playing games on consoles, watching television or just switching on the lights. This electricity is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels, which is our biggest problem causing climate change.

We can all make small changes at home to play our part in combating climate change.

Here are a few simple examples of what you can do at home:
Turn off the lights when they are not needed;
Replace old light bulbs with newer, energy saving light bulbs;
When boiling the kettle, only use the amount of water needed;
Use the radiators or fireplaces, only when it needed;
Taking shorter showers will not only reduce gas and electricity use, but will also save water.

By doing all of these actions, you can help tackle climate change, one small step at a time. If we all take these small steps together, it will make a big difference.
By Khadija, Najee and Bilal

Everyone uses water everyday. We need it to survive. We use it for drinking, washing, cooking and watering plants. 

Some people in the world do not have clean water, so we should not waste our precious water. 

To save water we can: 
Turn off the tap when we brush our teeth
Save rain water to water the plants
Only use as much as you need when using the kettle (this also saves electricity!) 
Shower instead of taking a bath
If we all try to follow these steps, we can save valuable water. 

Tips from Navid

We could use more sustainable energy.

We could reuse items that would usually go to be incinerated or left to decompose (e.g cardboard, used paper, plastic bottles or containers, etc.)

We should turn off things when we are not using them like lights and taps.

We should use less water in things like dishwashing and cleaning.

We should try to fix more items instead of buying them new.

Tips from Daniel

Did you know that there are many ways to save electricity, and I am going to share some ideas with you? As a result, when you leave the radiator you are wasting energy, not just for your class, but for the whole school. The right way to save energy is by turning off the radiator and closing your class door and leaving the window open, (when it is sunny) so that you can trap the heat inside. In addition, when nobody is in the classroom, you could turn off the lights, projector, and anything that you are not using. Instead of using the tumble dryer to dry our clothes we could use a washing line, if not then find a space in your house and hang or spread them over there.

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