Book Creator

Writing at South Wilford

by Simon Good

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South Wilford
The Children at South Wilford will learn to be confident and creative writers through an engaging, knowledge rich curriculum. Accurate use of grammar and clever use of language will be evident in writing that has a clear, authentic purpose and audience. Teachers will expertly model excellent writing and provide children with the skill to improve their own writing independently and effectively. Wider reading and digital opportunities will build the children’s knowledge and help to support effective writing.
Our Approach
·       Based on The Writing Revolution, teachers plan a 3-week block linked to the wider topic for the term
·        A core text (Adjusted for EYFS & Year1) which inspires the children to produce interesting and thought-provoking writing accompanies the wider topic
·       A clear purpose and audience are identified from the start and shared with the children. Teachers are clear about what they want the children to learn by planning backwards
·       Week 1 immerses the children in the subject and builds knowledge to draw from in their writing using a wide range of texts, experiences and other media. The wider learning through the curriculum and shared reading helps to build their knowledge utilising Oracy and Digital opportunities.
·       In week 2 children explore and learn about the specific genre of writing, grammar and sentence level work to teach children how to inform, persuade or entertain.
·       During week 3 children develop planning, drafting and editing skills before a final piece is published for an authentic purpose
·       Independent Writing books are used to keep a record of children’s writing progression
·       Variety of texts: fiction and non-fiction are available to help build children’s knowledge and are explored regularly as part of the process
·       Non-Fiction library increased with relevant, knowledge rich texts and supplemented from the ELS in reading corners and topic areas
·       Regular Shared Reading of fiction and non-fiction texts linked to the writing
Digital Learning Supporting Writing
We can research the topic & build our knowledge & vocab
Speech Bubble
We can develop our sentences & grammar 
Speech Bubble
we can edit and improve our writing more easily
Speech Bubble
The 3 week block
Week 1 we read and build our knowledge and vocabulary about the subject
Speech Bubble
week 2 we explore the text type and develop our sentences and grammar 
Speech Bubble
week 3 we plan, edit and publish our final piece of writing
Speech Bubble
Supporting writing with Oracy
We plan in Oracy opportunities to support our writing
Speech Bubble
This helps us to formulate our ideas more clearly
Speech Bubble
Researching the subject, developing vocabulary, immersing ourselves in the subject. Shared reading and core texts adding to our knowledge.
Developing our understanding of the text type and features. Reading examples of the genre and developing our sentences.
Using the introduction/conclusion models. Planning our writing. Editing and improving our writing ready for the final draft...