Book Creator

(copy) (copy) A new book

by Katherine Morris

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

Healthy Hugo
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Hugo ydw i.
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I am a healthy, confident individual.
I try my best to behave the right way all the time. Sometimes it can be hard, but I always try to remember the difference between right and wrong.
I know that sometimes people have different ideas and feelings about things but that is ok. We are all different and it is important to listen to each other even if we don't agree.
I love treats but I know they aren't good for me so I try really hard to only have them once in a while. I really enjoy eating fruits and vegetables and like to try new things when I can.
I know how important exercise is for my body so I play games and join in with activities that I really enjoy. I also know how important it is to look after my mind so I like to take some time to relax. I like to do things I enjoy on my own sometimes, as well as with others.
I enjoy exploring and being challenged but I also know how important it is to follow rules and to make sure I stay safe.
Sometimes I might have to ask a grown up to help me stay safe, or I might ask my friends and the internet too. I am never afraid to ask for help.
Sometimes I can be quite shy or nervous in new or different situations, but I will always give things a go. I do this because I know how much I will enjoy them and how proud I will be of myself afterwards.
Sometimes my work can be tricky but I know that I must keep trying and not give up. Making mistakes is good because you learn from them and they help me grow.
I know I can ask for help if I need it from my teacher and my friends but I also want to have a go myself first - I want to be an independent learner!
I know that me and my friends are all different, some of us are good at some things and some are good at others. I never laugh at my friends and I am never cruel because sometimes I need help too.
Are you a healthy, confident individual learner like me?
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