Book Creator

Out Of Ideas

by Dana Passchier


My worldview through poetry
By yours truly, Dana
This book is dedicated to Walter <3
Tysm for always being there and supporting me through the hardest times!
Table of contents
1 - about me
2 - poetry terms
3 - who am i? part 1
4 - who am i? part 2
5 - the ball of volley
6 - cold, ew, and ugly
7 - a day
8 - drip drip
9 - perseverance
10 - who is worldview?
11- who tis i?
12 - I’m sorry it’s true
About me…
Hi! My name’s Dana and this is my poetry book. I loved writing these poems and I have a blog post about them. You can check out my blog below.
A short YouTube video about me and this book.
Set One:
1. Simile - Comparing two things using like or as
2. Cliché - A phrase that is overused
3. Rhyme Scheme - The ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse
4. Metaphor - Comparing two unlike things
5. Free Verse - A poem that does not have a rhyme or structure
Set Two:
6. Haiku - A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world
7. Juxtaposition - The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect
8. Found Poem - Created from literature that already exists
Set Three:
9. Imagery - Using words to create a mental imagine in the readers head (touch, sight, smell, sound, taste)
10. Mood - The feeling a reader gets
11. Repetition - Sounds or rhythm, phrases, words, repeat the use of poetic devices, images, meanings
12. Alliteration - The repetition of a consonant sound

Set Four:
13. Assonance - Repeated vowel sounds
14. Onomatopoeia - the way the word is said in relation to the word, sounds as words
15. Denotation - the literal dictionary definition
16. Connotation - the emotional feeling that the word invokes
Set Five:
17. Theme - Life lesson, meaning, moral, or message about life or human nature that is communicated by literary work, not a word, themes are implied
Set Six:
18. Personification - the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
Who am i?
As broken as a piece of shattered glass,
As perfect as a rose petal,
As wacky as a strand of grass,
As wonderful as a sunset.

As weird as some music nowadays,
As lovely as a hot cocoa on a cold day,
As bizarre as the latest craze,
As blissful as a sunny beach.
And that is my worldview in all it’s perplexing