Book Creator

Growth Mindset Journal

by Dana P.

Pages 2 and 3 of 13

Do I Have Grit??
(Grit Journal)
What have you realized about your own grit and effort?
- New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from old or previous projects
- Setbacks usually do not discourage me
- In the past, I have been super into a project, but quickly lost interest
- I do my best on my projects and I work hard
- Sometimes I set a goal but choose to change it
- I have a hard time maintaining focus on a project for more than a few months
- I like to finish whatever I start
- I am fairly diligent
Where do you show grit?
I feel like I show grit whenever I am doing something that I am passionate about. For example, when I’m dancing, I show grit. Even when the steps I’m learning are super hard, I still persist through it, and in the end I come out an even better dancer. Another example is when I am doing my school work. When it gets really complicated and my brain hurts, I still push through it and end up with a great product.
Notes On Grit:
-Fixed or growth mind set
-having a growth mindset helps open growth
-idea of success, if we think that we are going to win because we always win, that is almost as bad as having a fixed mindset
-you have to be thinking all the time how I grow
-hard work, commitment, preserve
-We fall to be able to pick ourselves back up
-listen to you fixed mindset voice, talk back with a growth mindset voice
-if you think “I can’t do it”, add yet to the end
-you have to learn from failure, and you cant do that if you have a fixed mindset
How could you use grit more?
As I mentioned on the page before, one of the things that I have a fixed mindset about is test taking. I don’t know if it’s the stress or the studying. But I just really do not like test taking (therefore making me have a fixed mindset). I think that I can apply grit when I don’t want to do a test. I could study more the night before, I could make better notes, I could compare notes with some of my classmates. All of the things I listed could and will make me A, have more grit, and B, come out with a better score on the test!
Notes from the ted talk on growth mindset
1. Hardworking is the byproduct of not thinking that you are a prodigy, that your are not special

2. Mindset is critical, trying to build grit or persistence is not as effective as trying to find the underlying mindset

3. Fixed, effort is not a good thing, for the weak. Growth, something that can drive you, you need effort to do what you love. Setback - fixed, they think that setbacks are bad, that you are not good if you have a setback. Growth - if you have a setback, you can grow from it, you can learn form your mistakes and come out with an even better product setbacks are a way of growth

•Recognize that the growth mindset is not only beneficial, but it’s also proven by science
•Learn how to tech others about growth mindset
•Listen for your fixed mindset voice, talk back and say yet
How have your thoughts on intelligence changed as a result of new understanding?
I think that my understanding of growth mindset has changed very much over the course of these reflections. At the beginning, I thought that school was something that I just had to do in order to get good grades, go to a good collage/university, and have a good life. But now, I can see that you get new friends, experiences, and overall I get so much knowledge.