Book Creator

Comparison and Contrast

by Hardin, Diana

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

Pizza Perfect
Gondola House
*Downtown Nashville
*Long wait
*Pizza and Pasta
*Same price
*Comfortable seating
*No delivery
*No wait
How do I compare?
Making a Venn diagram or chart can help you quickly and efficiently compare and contrast two or more things or ideas.

To make a Venn diagram, simply draw some overlapping circles, one circle for each item you’re considering. In the central area where they overlap, list the traits the two items have in common. In the areas that do not overlap you can list the traits that make the things different. To the left is a very simple example, using two pizza places:
To make a chart, figure out what criteria you want to focus on in comparing the items. Along the left side of the page, list each of the criteria. Across the top, list the names of the items. You should then have a box per item for each criterion; you can fill the boxes in and then survey what you’ve discovered. Here’s an example, this time using three pizza places:
What should I include?
As you generate points of comparison, consider the purpose and content of the assignment and the focus of the class. What do you think the professor wants you to learn by doing this comparison/contrast? How does it fit with what you have been studying so far and with the other assignments in the course? Are there any clues about what to focus on in the assignment itself?