Book Creator

Paragraph Development

by Hardin, Diana

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Comic Panel 1
Paragraph Development
Volunteer State Community College
Learning Commons
Comic Panel 1
Section 1:
Paragraph Basics
Paragraph Development
This mini ebook will help you understand how paragraphs are formed and how to develop stronger paragraphs.

What is a paragraph?
Students typically define a paragraph in terms of length or the number of sentences it contains; however, paragraphs are really identified by their unity and coherence. 

Lunsford and Connors define a paragraph as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (116).

Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph. This is also called the thesis.

What should I put in a paragraph?
Before you can begin to determine what information you should include in a paragraph, you must first decide on an argument and a working thesis statement for your paper. You can come up with a working thesis statement by asking this question: “What is the most important idea that I am trying to convey to my reader?” The information in each paragraph must be related to that controlling idea. 

Each paragraph typically discusses one aspect (or subtopic) of the controlling idea. This subtopic is usually stated in the form of a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. In a five-paragraph essay, the thesis statement usually includes three subtopics. 
There should be only one main idea in each body paragraph.
Comic Panel 1
Section 2:
Thesis and Outline in Paragraph Development

Collegiate writing often leaves the subtopics out of the thesis statement because they tend to be too limiting and formulaic for collegiate writing, which encourages deeper more creative thesis statements. Whether the subpoints are listed in the thesis statement or not, each paragraph serves the purpose of supporting the thesis statement by focusing on one separate subtopic Here are some examples from the UNT Dallas Learning Commons:



Here is an example of a thesis statement.

*Note that the

Ex: Regularly visiting the 

The main topic explores the idea that regularly visiting the writing center will help you become the best writer on the planet, and the subtopics further expand this opinion with three distinct examples: 1) tutors, 2) technology, and 3) the handouts.

The paper should be organized around the subtopics. For example, for the thesis written above, the writer would write one body paragraph about the tutors, one about technology, and one about the handouts. 

Classroom Scenario
writing center at UNC Dallas
current technology,
will help you become the best writer on the planet
because it offers
superhero tutors,
fantastic handouts.
A thesis statement for a 5-paragraph essay
contains three parts:
The controlling Idea:
A topic:
the main idea of the essay
Here's the outline that corresponds with the
example above:
what you want to say about the topic
The subtopics:
usually 3 examples/reasons
you will discuss in your paper
is in
controlling idea
is in
and the
are in
1. Introduction (paragraph 1)

a. Introduce the topic of tutoring
b. Thesis (last sentence of intro): Regularly visiting the
Writing Center at UNT Dallas will help you become
the best writer on the planet because it offers
superhero tutors, current technology, and fantastic
2. Body Paragraphs

a. Paragraph 2:
i. Topic sentence
ii. Examples

b. Paragraph 3:
i. Topic sentence
ii. Examples

c. Paragraph 4:
i. Topic sentence
ii. Examples

3. Conclusion

a. Restate thesis
b. Summary of remarks
c. Concluding remarks

develop certain ideas; therefore; every paragraph, sentence, and word in your paper must relate to this controlling idea

Here are some examples of thesis statements:
*Note that the

the tutors
A collegiate thesis statement often leaves out the subpoints.
Rounded Rectangle
the technology
is in
is in
and the
the handouts
the new interest in more violent sports.
has lost its popularity
once a national pastime and even an
because of
the American people with any substantial, practical returns,
the space program
has yet to provide
it is a waste of money and
should be dissolved.
To stop the alarming
rise in the number of
A thesis statement for a long or collegiate
essay contains two parts:
violent crimes
courts must hand out tougher sentences.
committed every year, our
Detective stories
appeal to the basic human
A topic:
the main idea of the essay
desire for thrills.
The controlling Idea:
what you want to say
about the topic
Hemingway's war stories
a new prose style.
helped to create
Throughout the paper, your thesis promises your readers that you will prove specific facts or
Bronte utilizes
emotional expressions of the characters.
light and fire
to symbolize the
Here is the outline that corresponds with the example above.
Comic Panel 1
1. Introduction
a. Introduce the novel Jane Eyre and the
topic of symbolism
b. Thesis (last sentence of intro): Bronte
emotional expressions of the characters.
light and fire
to symbolize the
Building paragraphs is like building a skyscraper: there must be a well-planned foundation to support what you are building.
2. Body Paragraphs
a. For each paragraph, discuss a
different symbolism example
i. topic sentence
ii. textual examples and elaboration

3. Conclusion
a. Restate thesis
b. Summarize body in a broader
c. Concluding remarks

As you can see, the decision about what to put into your paragraphs begins with brainstorming. There are many techniques for brainstorming; whichever one you choose, this stage of paragraph development cannot be skipped. Building paragraphs can be like building a skyscraper: there must be a well-planned foundation that supports what you are building. 
Comic Panel 1
Section 3:
Qualities of a Good Paragraph and Organizing for Specific Types of Writing