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PIE Paragraph Structure

by Hardin, Diana

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PIE Paragraph Structure
Volunteer State Community College
Learning Commons
The PIE paragraph structure is a great starting point to organize argumentative paragraphs. Here is the breakdown of the structure and a few examples of how it can be used.

The Structure
PIE stands for Point, Illustration, Explanation
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Point (1-2 sentences)
Explanation (2-4 sentences)
* Make your claim in a simple "to the point"

* Following that simple sentence, you should
provide more detail and expand on your
claim. Be more specific and fill in the gaps
that your reader may not know.
* Now, show the reader how your
example proves your claim.

* Connect the dots between the
two and elaborate on your point
in the context of that illustration.
Illustration (1-2 sentences)
* Here's where you give your example.

* Never start a sentence with a quote.

* Use a signal phrase and include who the
quote is from. In most cases, your reader
will not know who your speaker is, so it is
important to add some credibility to them
by briefly explaining who they are.
How to Write the Paragraph
Step 2
Step 1
First, lay out your PIE

Point: Parents lie to their children about the existence of Santa Clause.

Illustration: Dr. William E. Ferrell of the University of North Pole states, "Studies show that there is long-term damage to children who have been consistently lied to by their parents" (4).

For your illustrations, make sure to include signal phrases, and always introduce your quotes with some credibility so your reader knows who is speaking and why they're important.

Explanation: As the quote presents, continuous lying to children can cause psychological problems.
Then, add in more sentences until you get to 6-8 sentences. Your first sentence can be a simple sentence. The remaining should be more compound and complex with varying structures.

Full Paragraph:
Parents lie to their children about the existence of Santa Claus. Children are told the Santa Claus myth starting at preschool age, and then at some point, their parents reveal the truth. Dr. William E. Ferrell of the University of North Pole states, "Studies show that there is long-term damage to children who have been consistently lied to by their parents" (4). As the quote presents, continuous lying to children can cause psychological problems. Parents lie to the children for at least three to twelve years about the existence of Santa Claus and then expose the lies. This sharp turn in a child's beliefs, along with learning their parents are liars, can lead to trust issues.
Rounded Rectangle
Lying to children about the existence of Santa Claus can lead to trust issues.
Santa with a girl on his lap
Sample Paragraphs
Sample #1
(Point) Abraham Lincoln was the best president because he slew vampires. During his tenure as president, he eradicated over one million vampires in the continental United States. (Illustration) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, president of the National Vampire Slayer Association, claims “One million vampire bodies were found under his house” (Johnson 42). (Explanation) Some may claim that the excessive number of bodies found might be considered sociopathic, but because they were vampire bodies, he is a national hero. The elimination of vampires in America saved countless lives. If it was not for Lincoln, the vampire virus would have infected millions more. He shall forever be remembered as the best president because of his dedication to vampire slaying.
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Sample #2
(Point) Using Santa to make kids behave properly is wrong. Santa is used as a way to monitor whether kids are acting naughty or nice. If a child misbehaves, a parent is likely to remind the child that Santa is coming to town and that they'd "better be good." (Illustration) Leading child psychologist, Dr. McStuffins of The Institute of Behavioral Research of Children claims that “Using this fantasy tool to manipulate young-minded individuals leads to a lack of discipline in the remaining eleven months of the year” (456). (Explanation) Parents use Santa as a behavior modification tool during December, but during the rest of the year, they return to normal disciplinary measures. It would be more effective if parents used the same discipline techniques throughout the entire year.
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Last update 8/19/2021