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The Story of Alphonso Davies

by Yara, Raphael, Jake, & Jack


The Story of Alphonso Davies
By: Yara K, Jake R, Raphael J, Jack B
Alphonso Davies
In the early 2000s, Alphonso was born in a Ghanaian refugee camp. Sometimes the people who live there often compare it to a prison. The camp is often a safe haven for Liberia refugees fleeing a second civil war. It took 5 years for Alphonso Davie’s family to move to Canada, one of the fathers of the players on his soccer team in Canada stepped up to be the coach and he said that” At a very young age, he was taught to be independent and responsible in a way most other 11-year-olds aren't.”
Timeline of His Life
• He left Ghana because there was war in Liberia at the time.

•Alphonso and his family fled to Canada.

•He soon started to play for his middle school soccer team and found his passion for the sport of soccer.

•Then he got drafted to the Vancouver Whitecaps.

• Next he got picked to play for his national team of Canada.

• Finally he was asked to go play for Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga.
How We Can Help Alphonso
An organization that can help Alphonso is called the UNHCR. The UNHCR was created in 1950. It also helps millions of European refugees who have lost or fled their homes due to the second World War. It is also known as the UN refugee agency.
Maps and Graphs
Alphonso was born in Buduburam a refugee camp in Gomoa East District.
This is where Alphonso moved to, he moved to the city of Edmonton in Canada.
This is a map of all the refugee camps in Ghana.
This is the map of Canada
Web Sited Page
“The Story of Alphonso Davies - From Refugee to Bundesliga Star.” Youtube. Uploaded by      Bundesliga, 28 May 2020,

“Alphonso Davies: From Refugee Fleeing War to Champions League Final.” Sky Sports, Ron Walker, 21 Aug. 2020, 09:18, 

Grez, Matias. “Alphonso Davies' Journey from Ghanaian Refugee Camp to Champions League Winner.” CNN, Cable News Network, 25 Aug. 2020,