Book Creator


by Darcy Fleming

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

The Founder: Zarathustra
Founded by the prophet Zarathustra (in Greek Zoroaster) about 1800-1600 BCE. Zoroaster was a priest among his people, but became convinced of the need for religious reform when he was in his teens. When he was 33, he had a vision, and spent the next 20 years trying to convince others of his message with little success. Eventually, he convinced Kavi Vishtasp, a local ruler, of the correctness of his teaching and he converted the whole royal family and court. Zarathustra died in his 70s, when he was slain by a soldier from an invading army.
Looking at the picture of Zarathustra, can you make any connections on any ideas that you know about religion?
Where was Zoroastrianism located?
The Zoroastrian religion was the official religion of the Persian Empire, probably from the time of Cyrus the Great (c.600 BCE) until the Muslim conquest of Persia (c.632 CE). At the height of its influence, the Zoroastrian religion was practiced in an area stretching from Armenia to Southern Arabia, and from Palestine in the west eastward to India, and into Central Asia.
Looking at the map of the Persian Empire, what can we hypothesize about the impact that it had? What religions may Zoroastrianism influence?