Book Creator

Scratchboard 2024

by Stevie Donna Rosenfeld

Pages 6 and 7 of 44

I Am From
Srihan Adabala
I am from a world where stainless steel tiffin boxes and colorful kolams grace our home,
From cupboards adorned with ancestral portraits and shelves filled with recycled jars of lentils and spices.
I am from the aroma of sambar simmering on the stove, filling the kitchen, from crispy dosas
served with coconut chutney as an evening snack.

I am from stray dogs barking outside a gate at night, while I lay awake, haunted by the tests of tomorrow 
and the grades.
I am from the music of Ghantasala, M.S Subbalaxmi, and M.M Keeravani echoing through the halls of our home
during weekend chores that stretch late into the evening.
From the rhythmic swish of the broom as I sweep the veranda, struggling to clear away the fallen
I am from the mango tree and jasmine bushes in our backyard, from marigold flowers blooming in
vibrant hues and the neem tree offering shade with its graceful branches.

I am from waking up to the Venketeshwara Suprbatham and strolling towards the evening to the rhythm of the Islamic call to prayer.
From villages near Vijayawada and Kakinada, and from bustling Hyderabad,
biryani on Friday nights
and mango pickle on New Year's Eve.

I am from stories of ancestors crossing rivers to reach our homeland, from watering vegetable plants
under the guidance of my grandmother 
and playing carrom with cousins.
I am from faded photographs capturing family moments.
Tiny silver anklets passed down through
gold chains and rings gifted to us from 

I am from the weight of unspoken tensions lingering over the dining table and the promises we made
to keep family secrets buried deep within.
