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Anti bullying week

by Joey Cowe

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

How to stop cyber bullying
By joey
Speech Bubble
What is bullying?
The meaning of bullying

The repetitive intentional hurting of one person or a group
By another person or group where the relationship involves
An impact of power}
Key words
Repeating doing something a number of times.
Intentionally doing it on purpose knowing it will upset/hurt
When one group or person is in a politer of power over another
Types of bullying
Hurting someone’s emotions by calling names
Being physical by punching them and shoving and kicking
Cyber bullying is when you use the internet to bully someone
What is cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that is carried out through the use of electronic media devices such as computers laptops smartphones tablets or gaming consuls
How to stay safe online

Don’t share email, home address or phone number
Think carefully before posting a picture or video of yourself online
Get privacy settings. That are as best as you can get
Never give out your password
Don’t friend people you don’t know
Don’t meet people you met online
Not everyone you meet online ar not how they say how they are
Think about what you are posting online
Respect other people's views
If you find something you find weird leave the website immediately
Think about stuff before you post it
Never post out stuff that may affect people's feelings
If you have a message from someone random tell a adult
If you see a picture online it isn’t always real
Be respectful off your friend’s posts
If you don’t have anything nice to post don’t post it
Don’t post something that hurts someone’s feelings
Don’t accept scams

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