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United Against Bullying

by Emma T

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United Against Bullying
A Guide to Staying Safe against Bullies and Bullying
By Emma Tagliarini
What is Bullying?

“A repetitive, intentional hurting of a person or group by a person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.”
- Anti-Bullying Alliance -

Repetitive - do something a number of times
Intentional - do something on purpose - knowing it will hurt others feelings
Imbalance of power - one person or group is in a position of power over another
Types of Bullying

- Emotional - excluding, being unfriendly
- Physical
- Racist - abuse due to the colour of someone’s skin
- Disability - abuse due to a condition
- Sexual - abuse due to unwanted physical contact around areas of the body
- Homophobic - focussing on an issue of sexuality
- Verbal
- Cyber - Online Bullying
- Indirect - spreading rumours, sharing secrets
Some Examples of the Main Types of Bullying.
What is Cyber Bullying?

“Cyber-Bullying is any form of bullying carried out through the use of electronic media devices, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets or gaming consoles.”
- Anti-Bullying Alliance -
Tips to Keep Safe from Cyber Bullying and Other Online Threats

 Think before you post. Many people can feel upset about something you might find funny. Try to consider every view possible before posting something potentially upsetting. Also when you post something it can never be deleted, make sure it is not something you would not want your parents, teachers and future employees seeing. When you post something you lose control of it, especially if somebody screenshots something or shares it.
 Don’t share personal details. This is a much repeated point but that is because it is so important. People can do a lot to you if they know your email, postcode, address, full name, school and date of birth and other things. It is also a good idea to check what people can see in your privacy settings.
 Watch out for suspicious emails and messages. They could contain a virus or provide ways for hackers to enter your account.
Tips to Keep Safe from Cyber Bullying and Other Online Threats

 Think before you post. Many people can feel upset about something you might find funny. Try to consider every view possible before posting something potentially upsetting. Also when you post something it can never be deleted, make sure it is not something you would not want your parents, teachers and future employees seeing. When you post something you lose control of it, especially if somebody screenshots something or shares it.
 Don’t share personal details. This is a much repeated point but that is because it is so important. People can do a lot to you if they know your email, postcode, address, full name, school and date of birth and other things. It is also a good idea to check what people can see in your privacy settings.
 Watch out for suspicious emails and messages. They could contain a virus or provide ways for hackers to enter your account.
Tips to Keep Safe from Cyber Bullying and Other Online Threats

- Think before you post. Many people can feel upset about something you might find funny. Try to consider every view possible before posting something potentially upsetting. Also when you post something it can never be deleted, make sure it is not something you would not want your parents, teachers and future employees seeing. When you post something you lose control of it, especially if somebody screenshots something or shares it.
- Don’t share personal details. This is a much repeated point but that is because it is so important. People can do a lot to you if they know your email, postcode, address, full name, school and date of birth and other things. It is also a good idea to check what people can see in your privacy settings.
- Watch out for suspicious emails and messages. They could contain a virus or provide ways for hackers to enter your account.
- Watch out, keep your passwords safe. People can try to trick you into giving your password to them in many ways, for example: saying that they can make you famous or pretending to be a talent agency, etc.
- Who are you talking to? This is an important question you should constantly ask yourself. People can try to trick you into trusting them. Even if you like someone you met online, never meet up with them in real life or share your personal information. Always act to a new online person they same way you would act if they were a stranger in real life.
- Keep your device safe. With hard to crack passwords to spotting suspicious news or websites. Always log out when using a shared device.