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united against bullying

by Ryan Frost

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United against bullying
By Ryan Frost
United against bullying
What is bullying?
The repetitive,international hurting of one person or a group by another person or group where the relationship involves an imbalance of power
Repetitive-doing something a number of times.
Intentional-Doing it on purpose knowing it will upset or hurt.
Imbalance of power- when one group or person is in a position of power over another
Types of bullying
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful or offensive behaviour repeated over a period of time where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.
.sexually abusing
.peer to peer abuse
.name calling
What is cyber bullying
Stay away from anyone involved in bullying
Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that is carried out through the use of electronic media devices such as computers,laptops,smartphones,tablets or gaming consoles.
Walk home with someone or get a lift
Ask your mates to look out for you
Try not to fight back as you could get in trouble or get hurt
.video games
.tik tok
.snap chat
.social media
and much more
Don’t reply to an abusive comment
Keep a record and save any nasty comments you receive
Stop the bully from contacting you or unfriend them on social media
How to stop being bullIed
Stay away from anyone involved in bullying
Walk home with someone or get a lift
Stay in a group of friends
When you don’t feel safe
Ask your mates to look out for you
Try not to fight back as you could get in trouble or get hurt
Don’t reply to an abusive comment
Ask your school about its anti bullying policy and find out what they should do about bullying
Keep a record and save any nasty comments you receive
Stop the bully from contacting you or unfriend them on social media
Sometimes people will try to trick you into clicking dangerous links or sharing things about yourself.Or something you’ve shared might be used to bully or frighten you
Try to ask an adult you trust to see what they think.If you’ve seen online you can always talk to a childlike counsellor
Check the name of the website and it’s web address to see if it looks real.Some sites will try to look like other websites so you think there genuine
Bullying needs to stop because everyone needs to be kind and work together in life