Book Creator

Library Lion

by P.M. grade 6

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

Library Lion
One day, a lion went to a library. People were very scared of him. Mr. McBee quickly ran to Miss Merriweather to tell her that. 'No running!' said Miss Merriweather. 'There is a lion in the library!' said Mr. McBee. Miss Merriweather replied: 'Is he breaking the rules? If not, he can stay.'
One day, a lion went to a library. People were very scared of him. Mr. McBee quickly ran to Miss Merriweather to tell her that. 'No running!' said Miss Merriweather. 'There is a lion in the library!' said Mr. McBee. Miss Merriweather replied: 'Is he breaking the rules? If not, he can stay.'
The lion started wandering around the library, looking at the books and exploring all places in the library. When he got tired he fell asleep in the story corner. No one was sure what to do! Afterall there weren't any rules about lions in libraries. 
 It was time for story hour. A lady started reading a book for children, and not soon after that, the lion joined them. The lion stayed for the first story. And the story after that, and another one! Then he waited for another story but the story hour was over. The lion was so sad that he started roaring! Miss Merriweather came running out of her office. 'Who made that very loud noise?!' Mr McBee said: 'It was the lion!' Miss Merriweather told the lion if he could not be quiet he would have to leave. The children begged Miss Merriweather to let the lion come again next day, and Miss Merriweather said: 'Of course, a good quiet lion is always welcome.' The children were very happy.
The next day the lion came again. 'You're early,' said Miss Merriweather 'the story corner doesn't start till 3 o'clock!' The lion helped Miss Merriweather, he dusted the encyclopaedias until the story time started. 
 The next day the lion came early again! This time, Miss Merriweather asked the lion to lick all the envelopes.
Soon the lion started doing things without being asked! He dusted the encyclopaedias, he licked the envelopes, he let small children stand on his back so they could reach the books that were high, then he curled up waiting for the story corner to start, and he would also be a good back rest for the children in the story corner. And he never roared in the library, what a helpful lion! Mr McBee started being jealous.
 One day he did all of his work and he padded down to ask Miss Merriweather if there was anything else to do. Miss Merriweather was about to give him a task, but she fell on her hand! She couldn't get up! 'Call Mr McBee!' The lion ran to Mr McBee. 'No running!' Miss Merriweather yelled. Mr McBee didn't believe the lion, so the lion roared so loud, it was the loudest roar he had ever roared! 'You are NOT being quiet! You are breaking the rules!!!' He finally ran to Miss Merriweather. The lion turned around and sadly left the library. He broke the rules.