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St Francis of Assisi Welcome Back

by St. Francis of Assisi

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

Welcome back St. Francis!
We are so glad to see you!
Welcome Back!
Welcome back Phoenixes! We are so happy you are here at our school. All your educators are excited to meet you and help you grow. This book will remind you of some expectations at our school and help you transition back to school.
This is a video to remind us about social distancing. Who is ready for some elbow bumps?
This video is to remind us how to wash our hands properly.
Coming Into Our School
When you come to school you will come in your assigned door with a cool fruit and colour right away. Your teacher will let you know and be there on the first day to walk you through it. This will be the door that you always use to come in and out of the school.
Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Janus, Mrs. Miller, and Mr. L
Ms. Smith and Mrs. Conway
Grade 4/5 Ext, Grade 5/6 Ext, and Grade 6I
Grade 4I, Grade 4/5I, and Grade 5/6I
Our School
You will notice a lot of new red arrows in the hallways. Please follow the direction stickers in the hallway and use them to keep the proper distance between you and other students. 
Your Classroom
Your classroom might look a bit like this. Everyone will have their own desk and you can bring fun things from home like special pencils, markers, and fidgets too. Maybe something to play with outside!
Items You Need To Bring To School
Cloth or reusable face masks
Masks are mandatory for all students in. You should bring at least two masks per day, so they can be changed if one becomes wet or dirty.
Reusable water bottle Our water fountains will only be used to refill your water bottles.
Appropriate shoes
You will be required to have indoor shoes this school year. This will help keep our classrooms clean, especially on rainy days.
Recess Time
This year, we will be able to play with our cohorts. A cohort is 2 classes together. Here are our cohorts:

Primary: Hamilton and Janus
Miller and Leonhardt
Smith and Conway

Junior: Grade 4I and Grade 4/5 Ext
Grade 4/5I and Grade 5/6I
Grade 5/6 Ext and Grade 6I

Just like last year, we will have play zones that will be marked. The cohorts will rotate through the different zones throughout the week. This means, that you can only play with your friends in your cohort. We know it might be a bit difficult, but it will keep everyone safe!

Students will wash their hands before going out for recess and when coming in from recess.
Snack and Lunch Time
The first thing you will do at snack and lunch is wash your hands! While you are eating, you will need to take your mask off. This means that we should eat silently, since our mouths are not covered. It's also important to stay in your seat during snack or lunch time. When we are done our lunch, we put our mask back on. Remember, we don't share any of our food!

We are a boomerang school! This means all garbage and recycling goes back into our lunch bag and brought home.