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Peregrine Falcon

by Tyronne and Aarav

Pages 4 and 5 of 11

Body parts
They have 4 toes on the front of their foot and 2 toes on the back of their legs. Falcons have ear coverments to protect there ears. Also falcons have median coverments to protect there body.

The falcons wings spread 3.6 FT to 3.3 FT. A falcon has big lungs breathe when they fly fast for hunt. Falcons have a body part called the orbit it is a fancy way of saying eye for a falcon. A falcons belly is called an abdomen.
Life Cycle
Peregrine falcons eggs looks like a Mars rock it is orange and dark orange. The peregrine falcons eggs looks like the Merlin egg. Peregrine falcons grow up to grown up size in 14 weeks.
Falcon Habitat
Falcons live all around the world except on water and Antarctica. They live in grasslands, but they also live on skyscrapers. Falcons can travel 15,000 miles with no stop. Some of them live in Mexico spread a lot more.

Green falcons live in colder regions like the arctic and north america and Asia and Europe. Peregrine falcons live in deserts and dry grass lands. Falcons find there habitat when they find there food. The forest falcon lives in the jungle. The laughing falcon lives in low lying woods and eats snakes. Different falcon prefer warmer habitat and warmer regions. Merlin falcons live in the coast regions of Canada in the united states. But a falcon will not migrate to mexico and south america for the winter. A falcons habitat can change from grass lands to deserts and arctic. falcon hide in there home so predators don"t see them. falcons are strong flyers and often fly down for there pray.
Before, DDT affected falcons. It did't kill birds who were already born. If they were not born then they weren't lucky because when mother falcons sat on the egg they cracked . It was very very very hard to survive for a falcon. People found the cause. It was DDT. They reported it, then finally no one could use DDT. Falcons had a change to survive.