Book Creator

London Travel Guide

by White tiger class


travel guide
London is the capital of the UK.
You can see a lot of sights and the River Thames.
Union Jack
different languages
different cultures
---> multicultural
It has 8.63 million citizens (Einwohner).
Union Jack
The Royal Family
The Buckingham Palace at the day
The Buckingham Palace
at night
Grenadier Guards
The Buckingham palace
The Buckingham Palace the famous sight of London
Parts of the Palace are Open for Visiter in August and September every year
It has 775 rooms and 78 bathrooms
In the Buckingham Palace livs the royal Family
The Palace guard is changed every day at 11am
The Garden of this Palace ist the lagest privat Garden in London
It has been a focal Point for the british people at times of national and mourning
This is the Buckingham Palace
this is a part of central london
The Buckingham place has 775 rooms ,19 staterooms and 78 bathrooms.
it was build in 1703 by john sheftield.
It is a Setting for stat occasions and royal hospitality.
the palaces guard is changed every day at 11 ann
The Hyde Park is a famous Park in London.
You can go for a walk,
make a picnic and ride the wilde Maus
in the Winter Wonderland.
Der Name des Parks geht auf altes englisches Flächenmaß.