Book Creator

Holidays Don't Last

by Jivitesh Prakash

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

“JIVI” Yelled Cohen. “It’s my turn to play Fortnite now!”
“Okay okay , geez,” I said as I reluctantly handed him the controller.
Cohen was pretty bad at Fortnite but I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t that good either.
I'm gonna be completely honest but it got a bit boring playing Fortnite all day.  
“COHEN LEFEBRE!!! Get off your Playstation!!! You and your friend have been on it all day.” yelled Cohen’s Mum from the kitchen. “Go ride your bikes!!!”

I quickly raced outside, I could still hear Cohen yelling at his game. 
“Hurry up Cohen!!!” I yelled at him hoping he would come. After what felt like a billion years Cohen rushed out from his house and I yelled, “ Race you to the end of the street!”
“Wait what?” Exclaimed Cohen. “Okay then I’ll still beat you even though you got a head start!” 
Cohen wasn’t even close to beating me, so yes I won the race.
“Hey Jeff.” Said Cohen. “ Wanna bike onto Balmoral Drive? We might not be allowed to but why not? This is the last day of the Holidays anyways.”
We were not allowed to bike onto Balmoral because our parents can’t see us from our street, they like to keep us safe. 
“I dunno.” I replied. “I'm pretty sure we’re gonna get into trouble. Since there’s not much to do anyways let’s do it.”
So Cohen and I sped to the end of the street and drifted right onto Balmoral Drive. Well not really, I was just exaggerating we didn’t drift because we were on bikes and we weren’t THAT fast.

“Wait what?” Exclaimed Cohen. “Okay then I’ll still beat you even though you got a head start!” 
Cohen wasn’t even close to beating me, so yes I won the race.
“Hey Jeff.” Said Cohen. “ Wanna bike onto Balmoral Drive? We might not be allowed to but why not? This is the last day of the Holidays anyways.”
We were not allowed to bike onto Balmoral because our parents can’t see us from our street, they like to keep us safe. 
“I dunno.” I replied. “I'm pretty sure we’re gonna get into trouble. Since there’s not much to do anyways let’s do it.”
So Cohen and I sped to the end of the street and drifted right onto Balmoral Drive. Well not really, I was just exaggerating we didn’t drift because we were on bikes and we weren’t THAT fast.