Book Creator


by Brodarica Grade 5 - teacher G.Palada

Pages 2 and 3 of 20


Sweetburg is pink, green and blue. People in Sweetburg are happy and always smiling. No one has ever been sad in that city. In my city there are meadows, lakes, parks and bridges. In my city the impossible is possible, unreal is real. In Sweetburg there are no criminals or crime. In Sweetburg you can buy the best sweets in the whole world.

I think my city is very beautiful, sweet and special. Sweetburg is a city for children, fun and socializing.
My city is called Sweetburg. It is a very big, modern and sweet city.
My city is called Magic. It is a big, beautiful city, but it is also very loud. It is clean, blue and green.

  In Magic, there are many shows. There are many parks and theatres. In Sweet Street, the city's Windy Street, there aren’t a lot of cars because people like to walk a lot. In the Apple Street, there are a lot of restaurants and shops. There is a big beautiful Tower Bridge. The Bridge is modern and old. There is a river, it is called the Blue River.
   I think Magic is amazing, because it is big and it has everything you need. The people here are very friendly. Welcome to Magic.
Forest City
My city is called Forrest City. It is a small city surrounded by the forest where some animals live.

Forrest City is special because it is old-fashioned and people and animals live so close without hunting each other. In Forrest City hunting is forbidden. There are many rivers from which the wild animals drink. They are used to people so much that they aren't even afraid when they try to feed them.
City of Dreams
My city is called the City of Dreams because that city has everything you need. It is a quiet and large modern beautifull city full of parks. It is clean and very green.

 In the main street there is a river called the Blue River. Along the river there are restaurants, shops, schools and kindergartens. There is not much traffic on the main square called Green Square because people use the underground for travelling.

There are no skyscrapers in that city, people live in big family houses with a huge green yard. I love this city because people there are friendly and everyone is welcome here!
My city is called Future-City. It is big and clean. My city is safe and peaceful, too. It is quiet and modern.

 In my city there is a big mall called Main Mall where people around the city comes shopping. And there is a market where prople come to buy vegatables. There are a lot of car-free zones. In the main street called Green Street there are a lot of ice cream shops and fast food restourants. In the city centre there are tall buildings and a big square called Quiet Square where are a lot of cafes, playground and again ice cream shops. Outside the city there is a big lake where people come to relax and be active. There is a big river called the Blue River.

 I think Future-City is a nice place for people. And everyone is welcome in Future-City.
My town Ps4sweet is situated next to the beautiful lake. The lake is called Yellow Lake because it is all yellow.

Ps4sweet is a small and sweet town because there are many candy and ice-cream shops. Children love my town and come to visit Ps4sweet from all around the world. In my town there aren’t any skyscrapers, there are only small houses with big gardens.

Every year, on 18 March there are big parades, fireworks and everything is free because it’s my birthday. Everybody is welcome in Ps4sweet.
Nutella City
My city is called Nutella City. Very friendly and funny people live there. It is a big and modern city.

In Nutella city, there are many skyscrapers. In the north of my city there is a big park with many trees, flowers, playgrounds and a big lake. In the summer we can swim in the lake and when it is very windy, we do windsurfing. It is very funny. In Nutella -Street, the city’s main street, there aren't any cars, only Nutella shops and coffee shops, where you can eat pancakes, ice- cream and other cakes with Nutella and drink hot chocolate or coffee. My city is near the sea. It is the Pacific Ocean. My favourite place in the city is the skate park. I spend the most of my free time in this park. Me and my friends ride bikes, skates and rollerblades. It is funny.

I think my city is modern and interesting. It is a great place to live because it is child friendly. Everyone is welcome in Nutella city.  