Book Creator

My Poetry

by Caleb Erb

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

People are born inherently good

but decisions you make can change good to bad.

Volunteering to help others in your community

or just helping yourself.

Doing something with your life to benefit humanity

or just your pocket book.

Saving the rainforest

or making a new field for GMO crops.

People are born inherently good

but decisions you make can change good to bad.

Volunteering to help others in your community

or just helping yourself.

Doing something with your life to benefit humanity

or just your pocket book.

Saving the rainforest

or making a new field for GMO crops.

Actions define us like the dark and light sides of the Force,
everyone knows you from what you do.
Helping others as if they were yourself,
look in to the mirror, do you really see you?

The goal in life should be to benefit the human race,
just like Albert Einstein’s Quantum Theory
turned ideas about light into a television screen,
small starts can lead to the extraordinary.

Everyone should have the same opportunities in life.
Just like a tiny babe born in a Jerusalem stable
became the greatest voice in history.
His story. Not a fable.