Book Creator

class 1 maths - spring 1

by class2homelearningselfie


Maths Floor Book - Class 1
Weeks 10-15
Week 10
Today we made towers out of wooden bricks. We counted how many we had. When we knocked them over we counted again - did we still have the same number of bricks?
It is the same - none of them have been taken away.
Speech Bubble
Week 10
We revisited our work on height, comparing the height of different buildings in London, as well as each other. We made sure to use the language of taller than and shorter than to make these comparisons.
Devran is the tallest.
Speech Bubble
Henry is taller than Emily.
Speech Bubble
Thea is in the middle.  She isn't tall or short.
Speech Bubble
They look nearly the same.
Speech Bubble
..and Alex is the shortest.
Speech Bubble
Week 12
The Numberblocks had lost their Numberlings (numerals). The children used their counting skills to help match them up and put them back together. We looked carefully at the shape of the numerals and began recognising patterns which we could use to help when writing them.
We have continued to order our numbers to 5 and 10. Using cubes we have been building our Numberblock friends and putting them in the correct order. We made a staircase and saw that the towers got taller each time. They got taller by 1 because each time we needed to add 1 more cube.
(We even took our own photos on the i pad to record our work.)
Session 5 - Finding half of an amount.
Today we learnt that to halve something you have to split it into two parts. These have to be equal. You can also halve numbers and we modelled this by sharing sweets and biscuits between Mrs Niblock and Max. We found that half of 6 is 3, half of 4 is 2 and half of 2 is 1. We demonstrated this on our fingers and began to see how it relates to our know doubles facts.