Book Creator

Magnes and Little Bush

by 2023.James Coyle


Magnus and Little Bush
By: James Coyle
In Treeville, every tree was an average height, not to small, not to large, but Magnus was NOT an average tree. He tripled the size of every other tree in Treeville!
Because of how immense Magnus was, the other trees were very scared of him and often avoided him. This caused Magnus to be very lonely.
One summer morning while the other child trees were out playing without Magnus (as usual) he heard a small voice.
¨Hey! Hey, excuse me!" The tiny voice exclaimed, ¨would you like to play with me?¨
Magnus was greatly surprised. None of his peers ever talked to him! They always withered in fear before they could get a word in, and, weirdest of all, the tree talking to him was the smallest tree in the whole community! Why was he not scared of him?
"Of course I'd like to play!" Replied Magnus happily, "I'm Magnus. What is your name?"
"I'm Little Bush," he replied as he approached him, "none of the other trees like the games I like. They play games that are too dangerous for a small tree like me."
This made Magnus sad. How could someone so nice be excluded because of their size? "What games do you like to play?" He asked.