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Tricky tutus: Designers Journal

by Kiera Wong

Pages 6 and 7 of 9

Navigate Ideas
After my interview, I did a bit more research, however, this time, my research was on different materials. I then made this brainstorm on different materials that would help transform the tutu into something easily adjustable. Notice how I wrote the pros and cons of each material or idea. This helped me take a closer look at which materials would work best.
Create a Prototype
My first prototype was nothing more than a sketch on what I planned to do. When I began to create an actual product during my second prototype, many of these ideas just didn’t work and I therefore had to change my original plan. I decided on using hooks and eyes as they were easy to attach and detach. I also used the ribbon to create corset sides as the ribbon was both stylish and easy to adjust. I also used adjustable straps that are easy to decorate as well as are fast to adjust as they are quick release bra straps. Rather then buying a larger and nicer leotard to work with, the whole process was done on one of my old leotards. Therefore, I needed to add fabric to enlarge the bodysuit.

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