Book Creator

Semana da Leitura

by Liliana Nuno

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

Ao longo da Semana da Leitura e no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês, foram lançados diversos desafios aos alunos de todas as turmas do 3º ao 9º ano.

Aqui está o resultado...
3º e 4º Anos

Depois de ler e visualizar as aventuras do Gingerbread Boy, foi só recriar a história através de imagens!
2º Ciclo

Os alunos do 2º Ciclo leram acerca da lenda do Rei Midas. Depois da leitura, ordenaram frases soltas, reescrevendo assim a história Midas Touch.
King Midas was rich, but he wasn’t happy.
Once upon a time there was a greedy King named Midas.
So, everything King Midas touched turned into gold.
One day he gave his beautiful daughter a hug and she turned into gold!
Now King Midas was happy. He learned that love is what makes a person rich.
The genie took back his wish.
One day a genie told him to make a wish. He wished that everything he touched turned into gold.
He was so unhappy! He asked the genie to take back his wish.
King Midas loved gold.
It was impossible to smell gold flowers in the garden or eat gold food at the table.

Once upon a time there was a greedy King named Midas. King Midas loved gold.
One day a genie told him to make a wish. He wished that everything he touched turned into gold.
So, everything King Midas touched turned into gold.
King Midas was rich, but he wasn’t happy. It was impossible to smell gold flowers in the garden or eat gold food at the table.
One day he gave his beautiful daughter a hug and she turned into gold!

He was so unhappy! He asked the genie to take back his wish. The genie took back his wish.

Now King Midas was happy. He learned that love is what makes a person rich.
3º Ciclo

Para os alunos do 3º Ciclo, a Semana da Leitura foi um desafio à criatividade na escrita em língua inglesa.
No 7º Ano, com base no seguinte questionário, os alunos criaram uma personagem fictícia, fruto da sua imaginação.