Book Creator

Climate change

by kaiwen wang

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

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The actions that you can take to prevent climate change!!!!!!!!!
1. Start by using this carbon footprint calculator to estimate how much energy your kids (and you) are using. Then determine ways to use less, like unplugging electronics when they’re not being used, or charging their games, tablets and phones using solar energy.

2.Plant trees on school grounds. Trees provide shade. They filter the air. They give birds a place to nest. And once they get big enough, they’re great for climbing. Trees can also reduce a school’s energy costs and make the school a more pleasant place to go. Students can easily plant young saplings and then help keep them watered. The Arbor Day Foundation can help students figure out what the best trees are to plant given local weather patterns.

3.Stop school buses from idling. Idling buses and cars that sit outside a school waiting for students to come out of school unnecessarily burn gasoline and pollute the air. 

Turn off the lights, TV, computer when you don't need to.

Drink tap water —— filtered, if you like —— over bottled water.

Place the drinking water in a reusable bottle.Plastic water bottles are an environmental disaster!

You can choose a "green career." You can help to solve climate change problems and challenges. These are the exciting careers of the future. They range from designing satellites for NASA to fixing wind-energy generators to planning drought-tolerant landscapes for homes and parks. Many of the possible careers haven't even been thought of yet. You could invent your own career!
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Comic Panel 1
The actions that you can take to prevent climate change!!!!!!!!!
1. Start by using this carbon footprint calculator to estimate how much energy your kids (and you) are using. Then determine ways to use less, like unplugging electronics when they’re not being used, or charging their games, tablets and phones using solar energy.

2.Plant trees on school grounds. Trees provide shade. They filter the air. They give birds a place to nest. And once they get big enough, they’re great for climbing. Trees can also reduce a school’s energy costs and make the school a more pleasant place to go. Students can easily plant young saplings and then help keep them watered. The Arbor Day Foundation can help students figure out what the best trees are to plant given local weather patterns.

3.Stop school buses from idling. Idling buses and cars that sit outside a school waiting for students to come out of school unnecessarily burn gasoline and pollute the air. 

Turn off the lights, TV, computer when you don't need to.

Drink tap water —— filtered, if you like —— over bottled water.

Place the drinking water in a reusable bottle.Plastic water bottles are an environmental disaster!

You can choose a "green career." You can help to solve climate change problems and challenges. These are the exciting careers of the future. They range from designing satellites for NASA to fixing wind-energy generators to planning drought-tolerant landscapes for homes and parks. Many of the possible careers haven't even been thought of yet. You could invent your own career!

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