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Christianity in Ancient Rome

by Ryan Soh [STUDENT]

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Christian development in Rome
What do Christians believe?
Christians beliefs are centred around 1 god, who the bible simply refers to as god. Its a common mis-conception that Christians believe in 3 gods, however this is not the case. Christians believe in God, Jesus, and God the holy spirit which at their core are all God. A big part of Christianity is about how people are evil in nature, and imperfect, so much so that the very first story in the bible is about the cause of these problems. Which is portrayed as an apple that contains good and evil in which the first humans (Adam and Eve) are tricked into consuming thus resulting in every human having the knowledge of both good and evil. `Because of this, God sends his son Jesus Christ to earth in order to take responsibility and punishment for the crimes humanity has committed and this way. Humans can be forgiven...
How do Christians practice their beliefs?
Christians practice a multitude of different practices. Most common of which, is attending church ceremonies every Sunday. During these times, they practice worship and testimony, which is most often someone sharing personal experiences. Aside from this, there will almost always be a sermon preaching and teaching about god, and the bible.
Baptism is also often practiced in order to welcome new comers to the church community. Communion is another common practice in which people eat bread and wine in an act to commemorate Jesus's demonstration of sacrifice.
How did Christianity spread in ancient Rome?

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