Book Creator

Rose's Adventures!

by Felix Li

Pages 6 and 7 of 41

She rummaged around in her backpack and couldn't find her fishing rod.
"Rose? I think I left my fishing rod at home."

"Don't worry, Princess, I just brought it in my backpack. That's probably why you couldn't find it." Rose calmly pulled princesses fishing rod out of her backpack.

"Thanks for remembering to bring it for me," said Princess.
Chapter Two: A Surprising Visitor
As soon as they had reached the edge of the lake, they set up their fishing gear and a barbecue cooktop to roast the fish they caught. They pulled out their fishing rods and cast a net into the lake to find small fish that they would use as bait. When they pulled the net back up, they found it surprisingly heavy. "Princess, can you help me a bit. This net is so heavy I need help." Usually rose could lift the net out of the water all by herself but when Princess saw her friend struggling she ran over to help. Before the whole net was out of the water, rose saw a large creature with a huge mouth full of teeth! They had netted a crocodile! "Oh, dear," Princess said. Even though it took a long time to untangle the crocodile without being chomped, they eventually freed it from the net.