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Welcome to Year 5 at DWE

by Miss Barclay and Miss Longley

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The Year 5 Curriculum
In the classroom, you will learn lots of new facts and skills. Year 5 is very similar to year 4, as we do the same subjects: Maths, Literacy, Drama, History, Science, Geography, Computing, P.E., Art, Design and Technology, French, P.S.H.E., R.E. and Music.  

We cover lots of interesting topics in year 5, our personal favourites are the Tudors, the Ancient Greeks and Space.              
Each child needs a plain P.E. t-shirt in their house colour, back or navy blue shorts and a pair of pumps. For outdoor P.E., each child needs a tracksuit top, jogging bottoms and trainers. These should be in school every. Footwear for P.E. must be different to children's normal school shoes. Children must not wear jewellery for P.E. and must either remove earrings or cover them with plasters brought from home.
Toilets and Cloakroom
In Year 5, you will use the same toilets as you did in year 4. These are located just outside the classrooms and the KS2 entrance.

You will have a new cloakroom, with your own peg, to hang your coat and P.E. kit on. These are also just outside the classrooms and the KS2 entrance. If you bring a lunch box to school, this goes on the shelf above your peg but make sure you don't put it under the heaters, as your lunch will be warm!

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