Book Creator

Richards Middle School Magnet Open House

by Kimberly Casleton

Pages 2 and 3 of 46

Richards Middle School
International Baccalaureate
Magnet Open House
Quick Links
GMAS Scores
Disclaimer: Due to COVID-19, pictures in this book are from previous school years.
The "Magnet Open House" experience may present you with a mixture of excitement, nervousness, joy, and trepidation. We are hosting an in-person IB Gala Open House this year on November 14, 2023 at 6PM. We understand if some people want to avoid large groups of people so we have created a virtual tour book of Richards Middle School. On the following pages, we have general information about the school and what RMS has to offer our students. Also included is information about the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme.
On behalf of our faculty and staff, we would like to welcome you to the Virtual Magnet Open House of Richards Middle School's IB Program. We hope you find the answers you have regarding our program. If there is a question you have that is not covered in the book, please don't hesitate to call the school at 706.569.3697.
Home of the Warriors
A 60 year tradition of excellence.
Richards Middle School
The Journey Begins Here...

Richards Middle School (RMS) creates an environment where students are challenged to excellence. The teachers and the curriculum help students prepare for high school, higher education and life-long learning. This process begins with earnest in the middle school. RMS students are nurtured and challenged to develop intellectually and socially.
We Lead the Way…
To name just a few:
PAGE Academic Bowl
Optimist International Oratorical Contest
Math Team
First LEGO League Regionals Champions Award
Runner-Up at District 6 Spelling Bee
Through Academics