Book Creator

Our Winter Book

by We love Winter. Winter around the world

Pages 6 and 7 of 30

Leticia Barco, CEIP Ciudad de Nara, Toledo. Spain
It was very cold and it was still freezing at night. The ground was covered in snow and it was difficult to find the way to the squirrel's house. Mr. Owl, who was the most intelligent creature in the forest, came out from his tree hole house. “What is all that noise?”, he asked.
“We need to find the squirrel's house”, I replied, “but as the ground is all covered in snow, we do not know which path we must follow”, and we are afraid Mrs. Squirrel is hibernating.
Mr. Owl thought for a while and he said: “You will need the help of The Spring Fairy. She is the one who will order the Winter to finish and the Spring to begin”.
The Owl continued saying: “Follow this stream and you will get to the magic waterfall. There, you will hear the beautiful voice of the fairy singing and playing her harp. She will tell you when the Spring will begin and the Squirrel will wake up”.
After that, Michel, Karl, the reindeer, the rabbit and I happily started our walk to the waterfall by the stream.