Book Creator


by Victoria


All About Shopkins
Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Displays
What Shopkins Are
Picture a rainy day and a little girl inside playing with Shopkins not evin notisen that it is raining outside. She is displaying her Shopkins and dreasing up her Shopkin dolls and makeing Shopkin dolls buy Shopkins at the stores.Almost eavrything in her bedroom is Shopkins.
Displays are something that you can put your Shopkins on.You can also play with Shopkin dolls too. Some of the displays that you can buy is a grocery store.The grocery store comes with a big sign on top of the grocery store that says Shopkins, and blue shiny doors that open and close and the doors have a big heart in the middle there's a pink see through sparkly slide and a blue green basket that you can put your Shopkins in it goes up to the slide and it tips your Shopkins. They roll down the slide, a window, a checkout , and that's what comes with the grocery store.

Another display is a candy store with a big gumball machine that actually works. If you turn the knob a couple times a fake gumball will pop out and you can open it and put a Shopkin in it and take off the lid and put the gumball back in. What the candy store comes with is a red stand that you can put your Shopkins on, it has three windows. It also has a little cart that you can put your Shopkins on and make the Shopkins dolls walk around with your Shopkins on a little cart.
Another display is an ice cream truck that you can actually move. It has wheels on the bottom of it so it can move. It has a sign that has ice cream flavors on top of the ice cream truck. There's also a speaker on top of the ice cream truck so that you can hear the the ice cream truck noises so you know that it is near. And the ice cream truck comes with paper towels, a sink, it also has another sign that you can put on the floor that has the ice cream flavors on it as well. It has a steering wheel so you can drive the ice cream truck around.