Book Creator

Friendship Lesson

by Aura Croitoru

Pages 8 and 9 of 33

At the end of the day, they had collected several
dozen kilograms of garbage and had covered a large
area of the forest. They were very proud of their success:
“I can't believe we made it, Mia!” Justin yelled.
“It's incredible, really. I didn't expect us to
collect that much in such a short time.”
“Exactly, it's like the dirt has never been here.”
Mario added.
“We could open an organization to deal with these
environmental issues when we get older. Wouldn't that be great?” asked Ana.
The friends got excited about Ana's idea and they knew that they were going to put it into practice as well. “Congratulations, my dear children! You have shown that you are strong, that you do not let anyone ruin your plans and that you are capable of great deeds!” their teacher told them. The six children and their teachers had done, somewhere in the mountains, acts that were not known to anyone. And so they thought it would remain unknown. Until... Boys, boys, girls shout in the choir, we were on the news!!!
“Look, our names are on TV!! They are saying that we are brave, and we will be valuable citizens when we grow up. It’s surreal...”
 They were happy for weeks, even months for their success. They felt that they were great people, that their ideas have been listened to, and they could really help the world around them. They grew up. Their group had become unique.
The friends got excited about Ana's idea and they knew that they were going to put it into practice as well. “Congratulations, my dear children! You have shown that you are strong, that you do not let anyone ruin your plans and that you are capable of great deeds!” their teacher told them. The six children and their teachers had done, somewhere in the mountains, acts that were not known to anyone. And so they thought it would remain unknown. Until... Boys, boys, girls shout in the choir, we were on the news!!!
“Look, our names are on TV!! They are saying that we are brave, and we will be valuable citizens when we grow up. It’s surreal...”
 They were happy for weeks, even months for their success. They felt that they were great people, that their ideas have been listened to, and they could really help the world around them. They grew up. Their group had become unique.