Book Creator

Into the Child

by Child in Disguise

Pages 2 and 3 of 28

Into the Wild is my favorite album. It was released on the day my son Thomas was born, September 17, 2007, and from the very first time I listened, I knew it was special. I never dreamed I'd be able to sing and play the songs, but this is my humble attempt.

I had read about Chris McCandlessin Jon Krakauer's original Outside magazine article, and then read Into the Wild, the book he wrote about the young man's travels into the wild. Having experienced similar longings for adventure and spiritual journeys, and being of a similar age and background, I really related to his story and enjoyed the book very much.

Into the Wild is a beautiful, bittersweet film. A few months ago, I found myself home alone, and ended up watching it again for the first time in a long time. It was then I thought about recording my own version of the album, dedicated to Tommy, and to the child inside all of us who longs for travel and adventure, knows the wide eyed curiosity and innocence of exploration, and has experienced the discovery of new worlds within ourselves. The journey within is the destination. I hope you enjoy it.
Setting Forth
No Ceiling
Far Behind
Long Nights
Hard Sun
The Wolf
End of the Road
I recorded this in my classroom at the end of May. Next to an open window facing the patio where about 150 children were running around. My students were in the classroom with me having their snack and thought it was quite funny to see and hear their teacher howling away like this. About a week earlier I had travelled with my class into the mountains for an end of year trip, where we set forth into various universes of nature, ourselves and each other. Nature drunk and high.
Setting Forth
Be it no concern
Point of no return
Go foward in reverse
This I will recall
Everytime I fall

Setting forth in the universe

Out here, realigned
A planet out of sight
Nature drunk and high
Comes the morning
When I can feel
That there's nothing left to be concealed
Moving on a scene surreal
Know my heart will never
Will never be far from here
Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
And there's a reason I'll be
A reason I'll be back
As I walk the hemisphere
I've got my wish to up and disappear
I've been wounded
I've been healed
Now for landing I've been, landing I've been cleared
Sure as I'm breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
This Love has got
No ceiling
No Ceiling
One very small detail of the Into the Wild film is that at various moments during the movie, Chris McCandless pauses whatever it is he might be doing as he catches a glimpse of a plane flying across the sky. As he stares at the plane, you can sense his thoughts drifting back to the world he left behind. Watch a plane fly overhead and wonder where it's been, where it's going, who it's carrying, and how we have all arrived at where we are.