Book Creator

Worldview Through Poetry

by Luciano Sarmiento


This is my worldview
What I’m writing is overdue

I like to play hockey
Yet my life is really rocky

As quick as a hare
But I just didn’t care
About my size
Which may surprise

My friends 
Who are legends

Explanation: This poem is quite broad. I briefly describe myself physically while talking about other things. It doesn’t make that much sense even for me.
Hockey is awesome
Skating feels like I’m flying
Traveling is great

Running and kicking
Soccer is second for me
Keeps me in good shape

Project based learning
Technology is big part
Lots of great field trips
Explanation: These three haikus are the biggest things in my life currently which is why I put them down. The third line in haikus is supposed to be random and different.
 Hockey is like traveling. The referees are security officials. The players are the travellers. The stick and the puck are suitcases. When you’re losing it’s the wait time of the plane and the flight. The coaches are guides. And a goal is the satisfaction and happiness of the destination.
Explanation: Most of the poems in this book are either about hockey or have a part about hockey. I’ve also traveled to several different places round the world and I enjoy travel. I decided to compare two activities that I really like in this poem.
Language identity
More than half of humans
Speak at least two languages. 
Multilingualism has been shown to 
Have many social, psychological
And lifestyle advantages. 
When we’d invented one language,
It wouldn’t have been long
Before we created many more.
Human thought takes place 
Within language mindsets, 
And that bilinguals have
Different mindsets for each language.
Many bilinguals say they feel
Different when they speak their other language.
Explanation: I went on Safari and looked for a text about multilingualism because it’s important to me. I then highlighted sentences and words that stood out to me. After that, I deleted some words or sentences that I found unnecessary. I replaced one or two words to have it make more sense. And then I had the result above.
As I step inside, it’s suddenly colder than the outside. It’s a weird feeling. I get goosebumps sometimes and my muscles tense from the temperature drop. I can start smelling the sweat from players who have spent countless hours on that ice. I have become used to it but I see the faces of parents of teens who make faces and cringe at the smell from meters away. I can hear the buzzers, referee whistles, and loud parents cheering their kids on by chanting the name of the team. As I touch my stick, I visualize myself making a nice play during the game and scoring. As my teammates get here, we start laughing and messing around a bit. Getting tapped by your line mate. Receiving a hit by an opponent and crashing into the boards. You taste the blood in your mouth from your cut. I see a hockey arena.
Explanation: I have spent countless hours at hockey arenas, they are almost like second homes to me. Either I’m paying, practising or watching, I feel relaxed and comfortable in arenas,