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The life of the spider monkey

by Mateo Cárdenas

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The life of the brown-headed spider monkey

Danger of extinction
Name: Mateo Nicolas Cardenas Penaloza

Date: 01/23/2022

Course: 1F2

Teacher: Melida Espinosa

Matter: English
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There are fewer than 300 brown-headed spider monkeys in Ecuador. These animals are located on the coast

It has very long limbs and is very agile. His hair is black to dark brown.

It has a long, curly tail of 63 to 85 cm that helps it swing in the trees.

It communicates through screams and other sounds, also with body postures.
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Brown-headed spider monkey: In Ecuador it can be found on the north coast, center and western foothills; They inhabit tropical and subtropical humid forests, mainly in the province of Esmeraldas to the west of the Andes.
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They eat fruits, berries and nuts, they also eat tree leaves, bird eggs, insects, spiders, tree bark and honey.

As it feeds on fruits, it eats them with everything and seeds, but it does not digest them, so it releases them in its faeces somewhere else, where they will germinate.
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Causes of extinction
It is an endangered species and it is illegal to keep them as pets. The main causes of the decline of its population are the destruction and fragmentation of its habitat, in addition to the impact of its extraction as a pet.

Hunting is one of the biggest causes of extinction to eat their meat and cutting down trees
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Avoid hunting

Campaigns to prevent the felling of forests

Give talks about this species so that people take into account the importance of spider monkeys
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