Book Creator

(copy) A new book


Pages 2 and 3 of 13

Chau Sui Ki
  Once upon a time, there was a mystery planet called Hamt and the king of it called KING.
 One day, KING called all of his subordinates out and proclaimed in a loud, clear voice ‘OK! Now we finally discovered a world that has Glass! ‘The subordinates cheer for it excitedly. ‘Stop! I am going to send some of you to invade earth with me and our goal is to change everyone on earth to be our partner! To be a ‘Card Soldier’ like us!’ KING shouted.
On their planet, they didn’t have glasses, but they needed it to produce weapons. However, KING was shocked that our earth has this material, so he decided to carry out an invasion of the earth.
 One day, KING called all of his subordinates out and proclaimed in a loud, clear voice ‘OK! Now we finally discovered a world that has Glass! ‘The subordinates cheer for it excitedly. ‘Stop! I am going to send some of you to invade earth with me and our goal is to change everyone on earth to be our partner! To be a ‘Card Soldier’ like us!’ KING shouted.
On the next day, the Card Soldiers stepped on cards and flew through the galaxy. Walking on the street, people on earth discovered something strange, there were many little things falling from the sky. A minute later, lots of cards dropped on the floor, Card Soldier followed closely behind it.
 They started action without saying anything, many people became Card soldiers who didn’t know what happened. Others started fleeing and screaming after reacting. ‘What is happening!!’ ‘What is it?!’ ‘Who are they!’ These questions keep appearing from people, they were so frightened.
Congratulations!! You are becoming a Card Soldier !
  KING appeared from the sky, a big card was falling down and passed through a large amount of people, they all became pokers—Heart, diamond, clover, spade, different types. That was really terrible, almost 2 out of 3 people were affected or already became Card soldiers. Earth was over. Here was governed by Hamt already. People here would never have any freedom, all of the things were managed by KING. This is the end of people’s life and none of them could escape from KING’s rule. 
The End ~