Book Creator

7 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

by Chris Mooney-Singh

Pages 4 and 5 of 12

Hack Number 2
Make a regular date with your writing place.
a) What does that mean? Are we talking about the 'muse?'

b) Well, you can call inspiration whatever you like, but one thing is for certain - the best way is meeting up with yourself on a regular basis.

c) This might sound like the opposite thing to do if you don't like being hemmed in. However, the mind loves patterns and procedures.

d) It you make a regular time, your mind will oblige and keep you on track.

e) Like doing weight training or running a marathon you need to build up your writing muscles without distractions. Afterwards reward yourself.
Hack Number 3
Do at least ten minutes of uninterrupted daily writing. 
a) There is conscious writing and writing from the subconscious.

b) Let the subconscious have a say in what you write. Put yourself on automatic pilot and see what happens.

c) Why? Your life's deep themes are usually buried and need to be coaxed to come out. Writing brings them to light.

d) Good writing is driven writing. Get passionate about things that mean something to you.

e) Write in a totally non-judgmental, non critical way, in order to release the power of your subconscious mind.

f) If you are having a problem -- try writing a letter to your subconscious. Detail your issues. Making things crystal clear helps to clear the path.