Book Creator

10 Tips to Write a Ten-Minute Play

by Chris Mooney-Singh

Pages 4 and 5 of 16

Starter Tip 1
Avoid Exposition: Jump In
a) Plays tell stories in the present tense. Performing in 'real time' means 10 minutes of dialogue and action and that roughly equals 10-15 pages.

b) For this reason exposition is a play killer. Dumping data on the audience eats into a short play's most valuable resource: time.

c) One obvious solution is not to use a narrator. Let the characters tell the story and be in charge. Dialogue should be like arrows shot by characters at each other so they will react and learn something and not directly at the audience who learn as vicarious observers.

d) Let your play begin in the middle of now and discreetly fill in only the absolutely necessary details as the drama moves forward. Avoid exposition that sounds like a news or weather report stating the obvious like two characters standing outside in a storm where one says: "It might rain today."
Starter Tip 2
Cut the Non-Essential
a) Every detail must relate to your core idea and advance the plot. 

b) You only have ten minutes—there's no time for anything extraneous. This may work in a full-length play, whereas like a short story, a ten-minute play takes a micro moment and brings it to life so that the audience can identify and their energy becomes part of the shared theatrical experience. That is why plays began as part of religious festivals in ancient Greece.

c) Be relevant. If you are writing a play about cookie monsters, when the curtain goes up, there a cookie jar should appear at some point, or as Chekov once said - if a gun is mentioned at the beginning it should go off by the end of the story.

d) A short play in some ways is harder to write because essential elements of storytelling need to take place in order to engage the audience and yet time is premium. Therefore, cut to the chase and let actions speak.