Book Creator

Growing a Brain

by Ariane C.

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Growing A Brain
By Ariane C.
A book on the topic of my experience with a Growth Mindset
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What have you realized about your own grit and effort?
I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that I am certainly not the “grittiest” person out there. Although I do show determination to keep trying in some tasks (such as art, music, or reading), I feel that it isn’t the same as “grit”. I suppose it’s normal for children my age to not have a strong passion or goal; but I do feel as if I want that to change for myself.

Grit isn’t simply just infatuation or interest in a certain topic. It’s the willpower and perseverance to keep at it. In a sense, it’s similar to yet different to the concept of “don’t give up.” Many people “don’t give up” until they succeed. From what I understand, grit is the will to keep going until you succeed, and even afterwards.
Where do you show these skills best?
Even though I feel as if I currently don’t show many examples of grit, I still believe I have shown some examples in the past. I remember when I was eleven years old, I was absolutely terrible at drawing. I had kept comparing my artwork to the artwork of others and slowly became my worst critic. Eventually I had decided to stop being so hard on myself, and I had instead decided to make a goal of drawing every day. My drawings had slowly improved; and I’m now happy with them even if they still have room for improvement.
How could you use those skills more?
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I feel that I could endeavour to use this skills more in everyday life by finding something I’m passionate about, and keep trying to improve or participate in that certain activity. For example, I am very passionate about reading. However, I tend to read multiple books at the same time. Instead of trying to balance 3-5 books at the same time, I could stick with one book or one series and focus on finishing that first.

I also love playing instruments. However, I currently am trying to improve at playing the clarinet for concert band, and the guitar simply because I enjoy playing it. Instead of balancing both instruments, I could try getting “gritty” about one, and pursuing the other at a later date.

This way, I could avoid the attitude of feeling bad about myself and stressed out. I tend to berate myself when I don’t play a note correctly, or if I fail to finish a book before my library loan is due. If I learn to focus on one passion at a time, and pursue it as much as I can, I could therefore boost my overall mood instead of feeling bad about myself.
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What are you willing to fail at this year in order to learn?
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The idea of going into something with the expectation to fail scares me. However, if I have learned anything throughout the process of writing this journal, it’s that failure is the first step in learning. People LEARN from failure. Consequently, I have decided that I’m willing to fail at writing fiction in order to learn from it.
What factors can you identify that will help you succeed?
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There are a number of factors that I can identify that will help me succeed. I know that realistically, I won’t be a mastermind at creative writing; it’s inevitable that I’ll make a mistake sooner or later. However, I know that through reflecting on failures, I can improve. Also, I am aware that my first attempts at creative writing don’t have to be perfect. I don’t need to be “pressured” about making every sentence, paragraph, and page perfect. In the end, this is a hobby, and also only an experiment. Because of such, I have the “mindset” needed to succeed at learning creative writing.
How will you keep your growth mindset time after time, task after task, through failure and success?
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When I fail, I can take a break from my work and let myself “wind down.” Afterwards, I can reflect on what went wrong and why, then decide on how I’ll do things differently next time.

Once I succeed, I think it’s important to also reflect on what went right and why. Then, I can make the decision of repeating the same action in the future OR trying a different approach to success.

Regardless of whether one reaches failure or success, I feel like the value of reflecting on one’s experiences is still of utmost importance; as it is part of the learning process.