Book Creator

Countdown to COP - Nature

by M Irwin


Countdown to COP challenge
What is the Countdown to COP challenge?
The countdown to COP challenge is a creativity and design project that looks for innovative ideas and solutions for issues that we face relating to climate change.

We are looking for imaginative and original ideas for the 5 themes of the Countdown to COP- Nature, Finance, Clean Transport, Energy Transition and Adaptation and Resilience.
These ideas and solutions can be about MITIGATION (actions to tackle the causes of climate change and minimise their impacts) or ADAPTATION (changing how we live to adapt to the impacts of climate change).

Examples of these would be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by stopping burning fossil fuels (mitigation) and building flood defences and sea walls to combat rising sea levels caused by climate change (adaptation).
The Countdown to COP challenge is also about developing skills that are essential for us to thrive in our ever changing world. 

Skills such as collaborating and communicating, being curious and creative and being able to adapt and take the initiative are key to thinking afresh about climate change.
And of course it should also be fun and enjoyable! The following pages set out the challenge we want you to tackle as teams; and the recommended process for you to follow. 

There is no set time limit to do this, but we would recommend between 3 and 5 hours, which can be spread over a number of weeks.
When complete we ask that you share your solutions with us before the end of October; in order that we can share them with people from Scotland and beyond during COP 26. 

Send your video/presentation or reports/photographs of your work to or share on social media #CountdowntoCOP
What is COP 26?
COP 26 is the United Nations Climate Change summit; where world leaders will come to Scotland to work together and agree the steps we need to take to protect our planet and people. The event will take place in Glasgow in November, with up to 30,000 delegates attending from all over the world. The eyes of the world will be trained on Scotland and on the agreements that come out of the conference.

Climate change isn’t just something that threatens our future – it’s impacts are happening now. In 2021, we have seen reports of wildfires, hurricanes, flooding and droughts from every corner of Earth; and if we do not come together to tackle climate change as a global community, then these events will become more common and even more devastating.
We need innovative thinking and collaboration to tackle one of the greatest threats to life on earth. We need to think about adapting to live with the changes that are already here, and consider what we need to do to prevent further heating of the planet.

So let’s work together in your school or community to start to think about solutions to some of the everyday challenges we face where we live, study and work. Let’s be creative, imaginative and brave with our ideas.
Imagine a better future, 

Tell people about it,

Listen to what others imagine a better future to be.

If we work together we can make these better futures a reality.
Biodiversity is the variety of all life and habitats that are found on Earth. Not only are these often wondrous and beautiful, they are our life support system, providing us with an atmosphere to breathe, food to eat, clean water and materials we use daily in our lives.

But biodiversity is under threat, not just from the direct actions of humans, but also from climate change. You can explore more about this in the Nature theme on Countdown to COP.

We need to protect and repair habitats across the globe, but we can also help by creating new homes and habitats where we live. And we can do this in small sites, from our window sills to our playgrounds. 