Book Creator

Gray Wolf

by Asher S


gray wolf
Written by Asher
Gray wolf
Describe your animal:A gray Wolf resembles an over-sized, long legged German shepherd with extra-large paws. A wolf’s coat can range from coal black to creamy  white.

Color: coal black to creamy white.
Size:head and body is 36 to 63 inches, tail: is 13 to 20 inches
Length:4 ½ to 6 ½ feet.
Weight:40 to 175 pounds

Gray wolf
Something interesting about the gray wolf
fact #1 Wolves commonly function in packs consisting of two to nine individuals; packs basically are family units.

Interesting fact #2 A litter generally contains 5  to 7 pups (with extremes of 3 to 13 ),which may be of different colors.

Something interesting about the gray wolf
fact #1 Wolves commonly function in packs consisting of two to nine individuals; packs basically are family units.

Interesting fact #2 A litter generally contains 5  to 7 pups (with extremes of 3 to 13 ),which may be of different colors.


In the wild my animal eats: meet as in bighorn sheep, rabbids, mice, and nesting birds.
