Book Creator

Gray Wolf

by Asher S

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

gray wolf
Written by Asher
Gray wolf
Describe your animal:A gray Wolf resembles an over-sized, long legged German shepherd with extra-large paws. A wolf’s coat can range from coal black to creamy  white.

Color: coal black to creamy white.
Size:head and body is 36 to 63 inches, tail: is 13 to 20 inches
Length:4 ½ to 6 ½ feet.
Weight:40 to 175 pounds

Gray wolf
Something interesting about the gray wolf
fact #1 Wolves commonly function in packs consisting of two to nine individuals; packs basically are family units.

Interesting fact #2 A litter generally contains 5  to 7 pups (with extremes of 3 to 13 ),which may be of different colors.

Something interesting about the gray wolf
fact #1 Wolves commonly function in packs consisting of two to nine individuals; packs basically are family units.

Interesting fact #2 A litter generally contains 5  to 7 pups (with extremes of 3 to 13 ),which may be of different colors.


In the wild my animal eats: meet as in bighorn sheep, rabbids, mice, and nesting birds.

where to get food for the rescue center
So, while in the rescue center wolf’s can eat the following foods 
      Get meat from: 
.Hunter   → bighorn sheep.                                                          .pet store → mice.
In the wild the wolf lives at the mountains.

