Book Creator

Aspire Nursery Starters 2021-22

by Bugle School & Nursery

Pages 2 and 3 of 22

Comic Panel 1
Welcome to Bugle Nursery
Welcome to the Aspire Academy Trust.
Aspire is a vibrant, highly successful and widely recognised Trust determined to raise standards of educational achievement to the very highest levels. We don’t just aim for our children to achieve what is average or expected, but for them to excel both academically and in character.
We live in a global economy that requires our children to be prepared to think both critically and creatively, solve complex problems, and to communicate well. Mastery of the basics: reading, writing, maths and technology is our core purpose, and this sits firmly alongside ensuring our children have well-developed social and emotional skills. Aspire academies have a strong emphasis on the sport, arts and social, moral spiritual and cultural education.
Our 28 schools/academies and 11 nurseries are all an integral part of their local communities and have a real sense of identity. We value the contribution each of our communities makes and the distinctive opportunities and diversity it offers to the Trust. By working in true partnership, we offer exceptional learning experiences to all our children, so they benefit from the strength that being part of the extended Aspire family brings. If you want to learn more about us, then please visit our website at

I look forward to hopefully welcoming you to the Aspire family!
Vanessa Bragg
Aspire CEO
Getting learning off to a flying start.
Aspire nurseries, led by qualified and knowledgeable staff, lay firm foundations for children in their early years. A qualified teacher from each school oversees the curriculum, learning environments and learning outcomes in conjunction with the Nursery Lead. Staff strive to ensure all children have an equal chance of success, informed by knowledge of what can be achieved.
Our nurseries, the children, families, our dedicated teams and the local community, are an integral part of the Aspire Academy Trust. We recognise the need for high quality early education where children flourish through the love and care given by all of our practitioners. 

We know the importance for our nurseries to have strong and respectful partnerships with parents so every child can develop during their early years and that everyone plays an active role in ensuring this is successful.  
Our number one goal is to ensure all children, within our family of Nurseries, grow stronger and achieve through high-quality early education and the care that we are able to offer.
Helen Bingham BSc(Hons) MEd(Dist)
Aspire Early Years Lead
Welcome to Bugle Nursery
Welcome to Bugle School and Nursery.

I am very proud to be the Head of Bugle School and Nursery. On behalf of our amazing pupils, our dedicated staff, parents and hub councillors I would like to welcome you to our school.

We aim to provide the best possible education for the children in our care.
Through our child-centred curriculum, children are encouraged to be independent learners and achieve their full potential. We have high expectations of what can be achieved, and we believe that learning should be both stimulating and enjoyable.

We have a dedicated staff and an active hub council which ensures that every child feels safe and secure and has a happy and successful learning experience. The welfare of every child is the concern of every member of staff.

Our most recent OFSTED report carried out in May 2019 stated that the ‘The school is inclusive, and leaders have been successful at building strong relationships with all parts of the school’s community.' We are a family school and we can only achieve our aims by working closely with you as parents. Your support is essential in your child’s success at school, and we value your input and opinions. We consider ourselves at the ‘heart of the community’ and welcome many visitors from the local area into school to work with the children and enhance their learning.

I hope that you find this booklet useful and we look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Luke Rees
Head of School
Welcome to Bugle Nursery
Miss Penhall - EYFS Lead
Welcome to Bugle Nursery
Jemma Davies - Nursery Manager
Our Nursery Staff
Jemma Davies is the Nursery Manager. She is an experienced Early Years teacher with many years of working with our youngest learners and their families, supporting children at the very start of their educational journey.

Kara Parry and Denise Starkey are the Nursery Teaching Assistants. They support teaching and learning using a wealth of knowledge developed over years of teaching young children.
Vision & Values
Our School Vision
Learning Together by Including
Our aim is to promote a fully inclusive partnership where there is true equality of opportunity in all aspects of life-long learning.

Our School Values
Our school community has agreed on our core values.
We want everyone to:

Be Inquisitive; through asking questions to find out new things.

Be Resilient; developing a capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to realise that it is ok to be challenged.

Be Respectful; to everyone and everything in our school.
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 4