Book Creator


by Canan Egee

Pages 2 and 3 of 37

About our project
Increasing the Earth's pollution is a real problem for people, animals, plants... not just the present, but also the future ones. If we know the consequences of pollution, we feel obliged to do something. Not knowing causes even more damage. So the aim of this project is to teach responsible eco-friendly living and learn some techniques of reusing rubbish. Youngsters are our future. If we make them aware of sustainable economic eco-friendly growth and help them become responsible citizens of today's Europe and the world, they will be more sensible and careful in the future and thus able to decrease the problems of tomorrow.
We aim;

✏to create interest in ecological problems, environmental care and recycling to decrease the Earth pollution
✏to increase awareness of living in a healthy environment
✏to increase interest in arts and create useful things by using waste
✏to collaborate and communicate while creating recycled materials
✏to boost ICT skills and the use of modern technology
✏to boost social/environmental entrepreneurial skills, voluntary activism and active citizenship
✏to disseminate project activities and results and thus raise eco-awareness among peers, local and (inter)national partners  
We aim;

✏to create interest in ecological problems, environmental care and recycling to decrease the Earth pollution
✏to increase awareness of living in a healthy environment
✏to increase interest in arts and create useful things by using waste
✏to collaborate and communicate while creating recycled materials
✏to boost ICT skills and the use of modern technology
✏to boost social/environmental entrepreneurial skills, voluntary activism and active citizenship
✏to disseminate project activities and results and thus raise eco-awareness among peers, local and (inter)national partners  
Expected results
The youngsters will develop a good sense of eco-friendly living in a healthy environment, respecting and protecting other human beings, animals and plants (from pollution). By using waste materials, they will create new useful and enjoyable materials/artefacts (to sell at a school Christmas fair) and thus decrease pollution and rubbish creation. Possibly they will join an art contest and make the project recognizable on a local/national/international level. Some of the expected final results are an e-book/video disseminating project activities, an exhibition of recycled products, various (digital and printed) materials promoting recycling and pollution prevention... and possibly a public Twinspace/Facebook page.
1-)Environmental Pollution: Croatia team (Ivana Opačak )

2-)Noise pollution: Akçağlayan Team (Zülâl KAZDAL ÇELİK)

3-)Light pollution: Ereğli Team (Şennur Akdeniz)

4-)Radiactive pollution: Kanuni Team (Birgül Koroglu)

5-)Water pollution: Hakan sevim (Ali ŞAHİN)

6-)Researches on pollutions: Anakara Team (Simru Pamuk)

7-)How save to save earth : Ergani Team (Canan EGE)
Table of contents with the advisory teachers
1-)Environmental Pollution: Croatia team (Ivana Opačak )

2-)Noise pollution: Akçağlayan Team (Zülâl KAZDAL ÇELİK)

3-)Light pollution: Ereğli Team (Şennur Akdeniz)

4-)Radiactive pollution: Kanuni Team (Birgül Koroglu)

5-)Water pollution: Hakan sevim (Ali ŞAHİN)

6-)Researches on pollutions: Anakara Team (Simru Pamuk)

7-)How save to save earth : Ergani Team (Canan EGE)
E N V I R O N M E N T A L  P O L L U T I O N  
Environmental Pollution refers to adding some solid, liquid or gas substances or some energy forms (heat, sound or radioactivity) to the environment in a way that it cannot be dispersed (spread in the air), diluted (weakened in the water), decomposed (broken into small pieces), reused, recycled (turned into new products) or stored (saved) in some harmless form. Simply put, polluting means making our environment dirty. Depending on what we pollute, we can talk about three main kinds of pollution – air pollution, water pollution and land pollution, but modern society is also concerned about noise pollution, light pollution and plastic pollution. 
Human responsibility
Some environmental laws were passed in many countries to control and fight environmental pollution like air pollution, wastewater, solid-waste, hazardous-waste.Many individuals and world environmental organisations are trying to fight the problem of climate change. Unfortunately, the problem is very often much bigger than human attempts to fight it 
Noise pollution
 also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is the propagation of noise with harmful impact on the activity of human or animal life. The source of outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines, transport and propagation systems. 
How to prevent noise pollution?
1-Sound-proof your space. When you can't stop the noise at its source, you can do your best to keep it out.
2-Keep noisy machines away from your bedroom and living areas. Situate your home so that your bed isn't right next to your noisy furnace or air conditioning unit.
3-Use earplugs and noise-canceling headphones. These inventions help millions of people deal with everyday noise. Earplugs are a cheap drugstore purchase that buys you hours of sleep, once you get used to falling asleep with them in your ears. Noise-canceling headphones are a bit more expensive, but if getting peace and quiet is at the top of your priority list, they're probably worth the splurge.