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The 52 hertz whale

by Aadi Gandhi

Pages 6 and 7 of 7

It is an unusually high frequency for whale vocalizations, and Watkins was intrigued enough to search for 52 until his death in 2004. Watkins noticed that the whales were making a particular sound at a frequency of 52 hertz, which is much higher than the usual range of whale vocalizations. He was so fascinated by this frequency that he dedicated the rest of his life to studying it. This frequency was unheard of among whales and was much higher than the 10-20 hertz that most whales vocalize at. This made it unique and intrigued scientists like Watkins, who wanted to learn more about it and why the whales were making this sound. But despite picking up 52's call every year, Watkins never found the mysterious whale.

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