Book Creator

Exposenda 2021 Transform waste into electric energy

by Sofía Tapia, Ángela Aispuro, Aylin Pérez, Ximena González & Ivanna Velázquez

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

Garbage is not always garbage
Did you know that...? the UK produces more than 100 million tons of waste every year? One ton is about the weight of a small car.

In Culiacán we produce 700 tons which is approximately the weight of the submarine U505, an old submarine from 1941 which was used in World War 2. This amount of trash produced because 1 person produces about 1.2 kilograms of trash daily.

Did you know that 80 billion pounds of food are thrown away each year in the US? This is equivalent to 1000 Empire State buildings.

In USA and in the whole world people choose to buy things that they don’t need and by that, they are contaminating because for example, let’s say that you buy a whole bunch of food and if you don’t eat it, the food would rot and you would throw it away and you would generate more garbage. That’s something that many people do and not just with food, with clothes too, you buy a shirt and then don’t use it and when you want to use it, it won’t fit you so you throw it away. I bet that it’s clothes you need, but if you are not gonna wear it, don’t buy it because it can be a product of pollution, because not many people donate it. That’s why we should stop buying things we don’t need.
Written by: Ángela Aispuro
Written by: Ángela Aispuro
I consider that our machine could be a very good thing for humanity since, as we have mentioned many times before, garbage is a pollutant for our planet since after it is sent to dumps, the ones that are decomposing release gases that go directly to our atmosphere. Apart from that, people do not know how to separate their garbage correctly or dispose of the area correctly and many times, they have it in inappropriate places such as seas or forests and this is a very serious problem because many times the animals eat them or it can take many years for the earth to digest the garbage and it is a lot of pollution for our planet. That’s why I think that this investment, the machine that transforms our garbage into electric energy, is very good since the garbage is being used in a good way, we are recycling and reusing it to turn it into something very good and this would benefit us all. Since the energy in the process does not pollute the planet, it is not something very complicated, it is something simple which is achievable and this energy, considering all the garbage that humans do for a day, a month or a week, we can generate a lot of electrical energy for our own benefit and this will be a great project in the future which could benefit the planet and us in many ways. Also, our animals and plants will not be damaged because of the trash and we are going to have electric energy and this can inspire other people to create different things or recycle more and that they can create impressive things with garbage and our planet will be a better and more ecological place.