Book Creator

Dissemination On the spot

by Maria Anversa Grasso


Istituto Istruzione Superiore Medi-SICILY-ITALY
Dissemination Activities

"On the Spot"
School website
The project has been disseminating by means of the school website trough articles, descriptions and publication of the final results in order to reach other students, teachers and families. We hope other teachers of the school could deal with a similar topic next school year, following our example. Therefore, we believe in the project sustainability.
eTwinning Community
The project was disseminated at a European level by an onsite event in the eTwinning live. For celebrating the eTwinning Day, on 9th of May 2021, the main activities and results inside the running eTwinning projects were described at the IIS Medi.
Article on regional newspaper
One of the students involved in the project, attending the 4A1 of Scientific Lyceum at the IIS Medi, wrote an article about fake news and disinformation in order to disseminate our project at a regional level. "Englishnews" is a regional online newspaper the target of which is composed by pupils and teachers from primary and secondary schools in Sicily.
Dissemination at international level
Being invited to take part as presenter to an international webinar (PULSE) about fake news and disinformation I mentioned the project "On the spot" and briefly described some of its activites. Hosted by Turkey, the other attendees were from different European countries.