Book Creator

Everybody is different Everybody is equal

by Silvia Mangia

Pages 4 and 5 of 189

“My father was born in a beautiful, picturesque village with whitewashed courtyards, lush green mulberries and beautiful flowers, Alatsata. There was a big, fertile valley lying around the village and for that reason most residents were mainly occupied with farming and stockbreeding. They lived a happy, peaceful and industrious life, with respect for their land that sustained them amply, until everything was turned upside down on a sad morning in 1922, when the Turks attacked the village.

 My grandfather instructed his wife to get the children ready without worrying them. They had to go and leave everything behind, otherwise their life would be in great danger….

He lifted his little son Kostis on his shoulders and asked him to take two small pouches full of gold sovereigns which was hidden in a top cupboard. This was all their savings. He gave them to his wife to hide in her bosom.

Then, the father took his little son Kostis aside, looked at him straight in the eye and explained to him his “duty”.
-If anything happens to me, YOU are going to be the father for your sisters and the protector of your mother.
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